Switching service contract providers can be a tedious process. To help, we want to share the do's and don’ts of switching service contracts to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Do Not Wait Until the Last Minute

Switching contract providers takes time. You need to scope out their abilities, ensure they can fully cover the equipment you have, and negotiate a price. Plan ahead so that you do not lose continuity of coverage on your equipment.

Do Involve the Relevant Stakeholders

Nothing slows down a process like not involving the relevant stakeholders from the beginning. Ensure that all the people who are majorly impacted by the changes in service contract providers are involved in the decision process. It’s best to gather their concerns so they can be managed at the start of the service contract negation process rather than being held up at the end.

Do Not Rush the Process

Make sure you have the time you need to make the right decision for your organisation. Service contracts can be big decisions and you do not want to experience end user disgruntlement or discover that you’ve missed something by simply not having enough time to do a thorough job.

The key takeaway: Evaluate your service contract provider before your contract is due. It takes time and effort to effectively switch providers. We hope our tips help make the process easier, and helps you understand what you don’t want and do want in your next service contract provider.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Switching Service Contract Providers

The Do’s and Don’ts of Switching Service Contract Providers. Portrait of Karla Stancombe.