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Call to configure, special pricing available 01452 729380

The DEXIS OP 3D LX is a next-generation digital dental X-ray. Constructed upon OP 3D technology, this versatile imaging platform broadens your diagnostic capabilities in 3D, offering a diverse array of clinical applications that align with the growth of your practice and bolster diagnostic assurance. The ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D™ LX unit integrates both 2D and 3D imaging capabilities, catering to a comprehensive range of dental extraoral requirements, from endodontics to intricate surgical scenarios. This cutting-edge system provides flexible field of view (FOV) options, spanning from 5 (H) x 5 (D) cm to the largest available on a DEXIS OP 3D platform to date, measuring 15 (H) x 20 (D) cm. With accelerated scan times, the OP 3D LX efficiently captures the maxillofacial complex and expansive diagnostic areas in a single, seamless scan, facilitating rapid workflows.

The DEXIS OP 3D LX Digital X-ray has many key features including:

  • Stitch-free scans
  • Cloud-based service connectivity
  • Automated ICE* (Implant Contrast Enhancer) and MAR (Metal Artifact Reduction)
  • Flexible FOV options ranging from 5×5 quadrant scans up to 15×20
  • Upgrade your system to meet your evolving diagnostic needs with adding larger volume sizes or the cephalometric modality
  • Artifact and noise reduction filters embedded into the system software give you consistent clear high-quality images
  • Easily position the patient, visually choose the areas of interest with your 3D, panoramic or cephalometric settings and preview the X-ray image shortly after exposure without opening any image viewing software.
  • Easily select your field of view and allows for accurate anatomy visualization, vertical adjustments, and bi-directional scout modifications to capture only structures of interest


With its dedicated high resolution and precise positioning, the OP 3D LX can reveal the smallest details critical to endodontics, maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, implant dentistry, and orthognathic surgery. Determine bone density and quality, assess anatomical structures, and plan surgical exposures with ease. The OP 3D LX enables you to elevate your clinical confidence when you need it most for difficult cases. 

You can find the DEXIS OP 3D LX digital dental x-ray brochure below. Probo Medical has a large inventory of owner’s manuals and brochures, contact us today for more information.

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